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Natale Ferronato's activities met with a wide echo in the press and in the public. If you read less about him today it's simply owing to the fact that he stands less in the limelight but dedicates most of his time to his research.

However, on 23rd of December 2020 the revue e-journal published an interview with him. Here is the link to the German article: http:/www.e-journal.ch/region/die-natur-raecht-sich-immer/

Here is the article in an English pdf file: Nature always takes revenge

In 2017, two articles about him written by Hans-Peter Studer appeared in the press.

Zeitpunkt: Ein Vermächtnis für die Zukunft der Heilkunde.
(to the pdf-article in German)

To the web site of the magazine

CO.med: Natale Ferronato. Ein bewegtes Leben für die Gesundheit seiner Mitmenschen
(to the pdf-article in German)

To the web site of the magazine

In February 2008 the web magazine www.nath-pool.ch published a long interview conducted by Hans-Peter Studer about

"Natale Ferronato - Naturopath with heart and soul (to the pdf-article in German)

Website www.nathpool.ch

The magazine "Natürlich" published an interview with N. Ferronato in their September 2004 edition: "Der Hellseher" (The visionary).

To the interview ( pdf-article)

To the web site of the magazine

The September 2002 edition of the magazine "Esotera" featured an interview with Mr. Ferronato:
"Natale Ferronato: Komplizierte Diagnostik" (Complicated diagnostics)

You can find the whole German article here:

"Antlitzdiagnose: Was das Gesicht verrät" ( pdf-article)

To the web site of the magazine

Mr. Ferronato was guest at the German TV show "Fliege" (ARD) on April 30 2002

New healer at Fliege's show

The Swiss naturopathic doctor Natale Ferronato is one of the most experienced face diagnostician in Europe. He has the capacity to detect tendencies to diseases in the face of a patient just by observing him closely. But he is not only a diagnostician. Jürgen Fliege discussed with the natural doctor about his therapy concept for the first time on German TV.

Mr. Ferronato had already been mentioned in the "Fliege" show of February 6, 2002.


In its 3/2002 edition, the magazine "Bio" published a short report about Mr. Ferronato within the article: "German media prize for Jürgen Fliege".

To the article( pdf format)

An interview with Natale Ferronato appeared in the 4/2002 edition of the same magazine:
"Ein Heiler verblüfft Millionen" (A healer amazes millions)

To the pdf article

To the web site of the magazine

Brochure on the occasion of the healers' days 2000

Click here to see the pdf article

The magazine "CO'MED" (edition 1/1998) published an article by Manfred Müller about "Visual Diagnostics". Subtitle: Pathophysiognomics according to Natale Ferronato.

To the German pdf document

To the web site of the magazine

Ferronato's pathophysiognomics is mentioned several times in the book "Grundlagen der Schmerztherapie" (Basis of pain therapy) by Thomas Flöter (1998).

Here you find an extract as pdf document

Also in Brazil Natale Ferronato's work is appreciated.

Here 2 pages of the brochure ( pdf)

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